Birmingham: 20 M Dollars for rapid transit
The International World Games Association has learned, that the city of Birmingham, Alabama is to receive a 20 Million Dollars grant to build up a rapid bus transit. “The federal money will help the city to support a “world-class” transport system”, as was claimed by Mayor William Bell after the announcement by the Federal Transit Administration.
“This is very positive news for the City of Birmingham, and of course will be an additional bonus for The World Games efforts,” added Scott Myers, member of the Organizing Committee for TWG2021. Birmingham will host the multisport-event, recognized by the IOC following Wroclaw/Poland in 2017.
The Department of Transportation will provide $20 million in TIGER funds (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) to support development of a 15-mile bus rapid transit system that will aid city-wide revitalization efforts in downtown Birmingham. Close to half of the city’s population lives within one-half mile of the proposed Bus Rapid Transport stations.