Member Federations Show Great Interest In participation In The World Games 2017
COLORADO SPRINGS (02/12/2013) The application deadline for participation in the official sports program of The World Games 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland expired on Friday. All member federations of the IWGA, who also participated in the last two editions, have applied again for the multisport event of the third up to the 13th of August 2017. "Some federations have taken the opportunity to introduce new events for the program," says CEO Joachim Gossow.
In addition, the newly added members of the IWGA in May showed their interest in an appearance during the 10th edition. Floorball, LaCrosse and Muhaytaj also responded to the application form. IWGA President Ron Froehlich says: "The response does not surprise us. After the success of the last editions we feel the attractiveness of our multisport events and a great interest of the associations to present their best athletes in this context."
The IWGA board will decide in cooperation with the host city of Wroclaw, which sports will be presented in 2017. The decision is expected to be announced in spring 2014.