Agreement on the organization of The World Games 2017
Iwga has learned that an important contract concerning The World Games 2017 was signed on Thursday. Minister of Sport and Tourism, the President of the Polish Olympic Committee and the Mayor of Wroclaw, signed an agreement on cooperation in the organization of the The World Games 2017 in Wroclaw on Thursday, October 2nd.
During the ceremony held at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, two agreements were signed. Mayor of Wroclaw Rafal Dutkiewicz, signed it on behalf of the Municipality of Wroclaw with Andrzej Biernat, Minister of Sport and Tourism and Andrzej Krasnik, President of the Polish Olympic Committee. This is the beginning of cooperation in the organization of The World Games in 2017, and the Event will be held under the patronage of both the Ministry and the Olympic Committee.
In a broader perspective, the cooperation of the Olympic Committee with the Municipality will cover areas such as sport development, spreading the ideas of olimpism and promoting Poland and the city of Wroclaw, as the host of the upcoming event. Agreement with the Ministry covers issues in the area of infrastructure, organization, preparation of the Polish national team, promotion of physical education and the promotion of the country and the host city. Additionally, parties are eligible for use of their logos for promotional purposes.
As a result of arrangements made by all parties, the capital of Lower Silesia received official support of the central institutions directly interested in the TWG 2017.
Thursday's agreement is the next stage of the preparation for the event.