The New World Games Archive

The New World Games Archive

published on 19 April, 2018

The World Games Archive is online. The digital platform for all media content connected with the The World Games contains over 8,700 pictures and 1,600 videos. The fastest way to visit the living history of the multi-sports event:

The World Games archive offers all member federations of the IWGA free registration, unlimited access and the opportunity to download pictures and videos immediately. Member federations can make use of the assets free of charge, under the condition that the use promotes The World Games and their sports.

The World Games archive was launched at the Annual General Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. The system is designed to function as a permanent archive for images, videos, audio and document files. “It’s digital memory, and it’s a service for our member federations as well,” said IWGA CEO Joachim Gossow, describing the main objectives for establishing the archive. “We will also be able to offer the media and other partners of this platform a vast spectrum of footage.”

The system provides two ways to search the data: full text search and tag-filter search. Media items can be downloaded either via the download basket or via the direct download button. The basket makes it possible to download several files at once. Video files can be downloaded in either high or low quality.

The platform holds images and videos from all editions of The World Games from Santa Clara 1981 to Wroclaw 2017. Already more than 10,000 media items can be offered to interested partners. There will be many more items added in the upcoming months. The IWGA is currently working to digitalise all pictures and videos of its events in the past. Within the next few days, more than 3,000 pictures of the The World Games 2013 in Cali, Columbia will be uploaded. In the future, the IWGA will also provide important documents on this channel.

“When we started the project we focused on last year’s World Games, for we are convinced that our member federations are right now mostly interested in images and videos of the event in Wroclaw,” Joachim Gossow said. “After this first step we will bring in all videos, pictures and other media items we have collected since 1981. We have already uploaded a bunch of images from 1981 on, but not all are yet available.”

The IWGA cooperated for this project with Studio Mitte in Berlin. This company has been familiar with much of the The World Games material; it has hosted the video archive, which was up to now just for internal use or access by special request.

The International World Games Association (IWGA) is a non-profit-making international sports organisation recognised and supported by the International Olympic Committee. The IWGA comprises 40 International Member Sports Federations. It administers and promotes The World Games (TWG), a multi-sport event held every four years that features around 35 sports on its programme. The next edition of TWG will be in Chengdu (CHN) from 7-17 August 2025. 5,000 participants from more than 100 countries are expected to take part in this 12th edition. The latest Games were hosted by Birmingham, Alabama (USA).

For more information, please contact the IWGA Media and Communication team:, Tel: +41 21 311 12 97, or visit our website.