Dawn Bodrug, Team Canada Softball: “It is so much more than a sport to me; it is a lifestyle, a community.”

Dawn Bodrug, Team Canada Softball: “It is so much more than a sport to me; it is a lifestyle, a community.”

published on 19 March

“Softball is my favourite sport because of how much it has shaped my life and built me into the person I am today”, says Dawn Bodrug, in her fourth year as a member of the Canada Softball squad.

“I can't say I loved it every single day growing up, because it is a full commitment and there are days that are really hard. But the people in my Softball community, my team-mates and my coaches are all why I stuck with it. And I am so glad I did, because I have only fallen more in love with the sport as I've gotten older. It is so much more than a sport to me, it is a lifestyle, a community”.

"The lessons Softball has taught me about being a good team-mate, a leader, someone people can depend on, driven, discipline, are all priceless. There is truly so much to learn by playing a team sport and dedicating your time to something big.”

Physical and mental training - becoming “the best athlete I can be”

“Being ‘the best athlete I can be’ means training in the weight room, working on my speed and agility, and working on my coordination. All of these things are so crucial and are a massive part of my everyday life. However, working on my mental performance is just as important. For me this is listening to mental performance podcasts to learn more ways to prepare myself, journaling my thoughts, breath work, and so much more.”

Playing for Team Canada is a full-time job for Bodrug: “Softball takes up a very large part of my life, as I am working every single day to better myself in this sport, and this takes dedication.” But she knows it is also important to get outside her ‘comfort zone’, and stay fit in other ways as well. “I have picked up playing golf in the summer, and I love that escape it gives me while staying active”, she says.

A key role in the Canada team

Dawn Bodrug is the team’s Pitcher: a key position, highly demanding because of the need for precision, endurance, and quick decision-making. In Softball, the ball is pitched with a double arm swing and released underhand. There are more than ten different types of pitch, all requiring extensive practice to master, along with quick thinking to choose the pitch that is just right for the game situation.

“My role is to put the work in to be the best version of myself both in the off-season and in-season, so that I am ready for whatever comes our way. Being a pitcher on this team means challenging myself in every way I can, so that when the hard games come, I am prepared to face the opponent no matter what. Being someone my defence can trust and depend on in any situation is very important to me, so building those relationships with everyone on the field is key”.

She also enjoys building relationships with those just learning the sport – the possible stars of the future.

“I involve myself further in Softball by being a pitching instructor to many young girls. I truly love giving something back, because I remember what a massive impact my coaches made on me, and I want to do the same for as many young female athletes as I can”.

Team Canada – qualified for Chengdu!

There are women’s and men’s competitions in Softball in The World Games, and the top six nations in the Softball World Rankings are guaranteed to receive the treasured invitation to take part. Canada is currently sixth in the women’s list (and fourth in the men’s). A key qualifying match for Team Canada was the 2024 Softball World Cup, where they won the bronze medal, beating The Netherlands 11-7.

“We strive to be a team, and I don't just mean show up and play together, I mean a team that builds each other up, knows how to face hardship as a group, and where everyone truly knows and understands one another. We work to be a family and I think that is a huge strength of ours”, says Bodrug. “I would say our strongest opponents in The World Games will be Japan and USA”. These nations took the gold and silver medals respectively in 2022.

And Team Canada’s preparations for TWG 2025?

“We come together as a group pretty early each summer, so we can get a good amount of time as a group before any major tournament. We always attend the Canada Cup, which I think is a great use of our time together as it helps to prepare us. I would say we are all working on making ourselves stronger individuals in the off-season, so when we come together we can apply ourselves to the highest of our abilities as a team”.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to travel to another country that I have never been to”, says Bodrug.

“I always find it so amazing, and I am so blessed to be able to experience Softball all over the world and see so many different cultures. I have never been to China so I am very excited to experience it.”

The International World Games Association (IWGA) is a non-profit-making international sports organisation recognised and supported by the International Olympic Committee. The IWGA comprises 40 International Member Sports Federations. It administers and promotes The World Games (TWG), a multi-sport event held every four years that features around 35 sports on its programme. The next edition of TWG will be in Chengdu (CHN) from 7-17 August 2025. 5,000 participants from more than 100 countries are expected to take part in this 12th edition. The latest Games were hosted by Birmingham, Alabama (USA).

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