As many as ten candidates are seeking to join the International World Games Association Executive Committee when the elections are held at the Annual General Meeting on 16 April in Bangkok, Thailand.
For the period 2018–2022 for the posts of President, Vice President and Treasurer there is only one candidate for each – José Perurena (Canoe), Max Bishop (Air Sports) and Lukas Hinder (DanceSport) respectively, who all currently hold the position. For four member seats there are seven candidates: Anna Arzhanova (Underwater Sports), Volker Bernardi (Flying Disc), Antonio Espinos (Karate), Jan Fransoo (Korfball), Thomas Hollowell (Orienteering), John Liljelund (Floorball) and Espen Lund (Kickboxing). The members will be elected by secret ballot.
The Members of the Executive Committee are elected at the General Meeting in the year following The World Games, for a four-year term. The Committee’s tasks are, amongst others, to represent the organisation, to implement the decisions of the General Meeting, to conduct the business of the IWGA in the period between General Meetings, and to guide and supervise the work of the CEO.
Of the current Executive Committee members, Tom Dielen (Archery) and Fumio Morooka (Flying Disc) will not be standing for re-election.