Marcin Przychodny, President of the Wrocław Organizing Committee (WOC)
“This year is absolutely crucial”
At 500 days before The World Games 2017 (20-30 July 2017) starts, Marcin Przychodny, who took over in February as President of the Organizing Committee in Wrocław/Poland, describes his expectations for the biggest multi-sport event in the history of his country. He is aiming to organize World Games to remember.
What motivated you to step in and steer the TWG2017 organizers’ boat?
Marcin Przychodny: It is a huge project, very demanding. It is the biggest multi-sport event in the history of Poland. Wrocław has already hosted big events such as the UEFA Euro 2012, but none of them was as complex as The World Games. I believe that the City has the potential to prepare and organize, with essential help from IWGA, World Games to remember. It is an exciting prospect to be a part of it.
How are you connected to the world of sports?
Marcin Przychodny: Sport plays a very important part in my life. I am a former professional table tennis player and coach. For the last couple of years I served as the Director of the Sports Department in the Lower Silesian regional government. I was in constant contact with sport clubs, activists, coaches, athletes – both amateur and professional. As the local government, we built 197 football fields, and 42 track and field venues as well as many other sport-related facilities. Recently, we have started the construction of many swimming pools that will serve local schools. We introduced multiple programs to activate young people in the region and created financial possibilities for the most talented to succeed. Lower Silesia became a true leader among Polish regions when it comes to sport. I also worked in the Organizing Committee of the UEFA Euro2012 in Wrocław and chaired the Organizing Committee of the FIS Cross-Country World Cup in Szklarska Poręba-Jakuszyce.
How would you describe your first impressions when starting to work with your team at the WOC?
Marcin Przychodny: From the very beginning I could feel a sheer force of energy, fresh ideas and dedication from my team. It is a very competent group of people. Some of them have already worked during big sport events that Wrocław was co-hosting. I am sure that thanks to the cooperation with IWGA we are able to achieve great things.
Is there any sport on the program which you have ever practiced?
Marcin Przychodny: It is a very important quality of the sports on the program: most of them are accessible to everyone, popular and practiced by many, even though one may not realize they are World Games’ sports. It happened to me that during summer holidays I played flying disc with my children, had fun with my friends playing boules, and danced in the evening with my wife. All the sports mentioned are members of The World Games family!
Is there any sport you would like to name as your favorite one?
Marcin Przychodny: The World Games 2017 have plenty to offer. Some of the sports and disciplines are very demanding, all of them are spectacular and most of them are simply fun and accessible. If I am supposed to name one, it would be speedway. It is a big sport in Poland, the league is considered to be the best in the world and our riders are constantly in the top flight in international competitions. Among them Maciej Janowski – The World Games 2017 Ambassador, leader of Wrocław’s local club and the captain of the national team.
500 days to go –what has been achieved so far?
Marcin Przychodny: In many areas of the project we are closing to having everything ready: accommodation, catering, transport. We already have a complete venues list. We settled a very important deal with the Host Broadcaster –ATM. The company that will take care of the TV production is the largest independent producer in Poland. The competitions of The World Games 2017 in Wrocław will be transmitted in Poland over three channels belonging to the Polsat group. IWGA’s partner will take care of the international broadcasting.
What are your next milestones?
Marcin Przychodny: This year is absolutely crucial. We are heading towards very important decisions concerning the commercial side of The Games: ticketing, merchandising and sponsoring. Talks are underway, our partners are aware of The World Games potential, and I believe we will reach an agreement.
How do you think the people of Wroclaw and Poland will benefit from TWG 2017?
Marcin Przychodny: We would like to make people here aware of the direct link between the fact that Wrocław is the Host City and that their children are having free sport activities in kindergartens and schools. Or that because of The Games the swimming pool complex on Wejherowska Street will be upgraded to Olympic standards and will include an indoor pool and stands for the audience. The two existing outdoor pools will be upgraded as well. After TWG 2017 the complex will serve city residents as a training center for young swimmers and a site for the organization of various competitions. It is thanks to The World Games that a roller track will be constructed and will become a place for entire families seeking a safe area to practice sport. I believe that all this can bring about an important rise in the number of people practicing and training different sports on a regular basis. And finally, events of this kind naturally boost the local economy. I know that hotels, restaurants, pubs and cultural establishments are already looking forward to The World Games. July 2017 will definitely be a good time for their business.